Who lived in Palestine. Palestinian people, who are they? Which city is Jerusalem status

Palestine - to the Palestinians!
(Jews - Jews!).


The world has gone crazy, and practically no one is surprised by this. Everything is turned upside down and this is considered to be the normal order of things. Myths are presented as truth, but truth and facts are stubbornly ignored. Therefore, I set out to expose the whole truth about the unjustly “oppressed” Palestinians, the insidious Israeli occupiers and how the world community is brazenly trampling on the rights of Palestinians to self-determination (I am completely serious at this point).
I will tell you that the Palestinians are a worthy people who have made a very large cultural and scientific contribution to the world community, and you will see for yourself that without the Palestinians our civilization would not have reached its current level of development. Everything is honest and without jokes, I undertake to back up every word I say with facts.

Recently, the UN finally recognized the Palestinians' right to self-determination and confirmed their right to their own state. And yet it continues to act in the opposite direction. It’s not for me to tell you about the hypocrisy and duplicity of the UN; we are all well aware of their double standards and more than controversial resolutions. Let's try to figure out what's really going on.

So - Palestine and Palestinians...
What is the Israeli occupation of Palestinian territories? So I'll tell you what - sit and don't fall out of your chair! Here it is, the truth that everyone knows, but no one wants to admit!
The world media has gained the courage to write about this “occupation,” but they still don’t tell the truth. But the truth is that the Palestinian territories are not only Judea and Samaria.

But let's focus on these two areas for a second. Doesn't it seem strange to you that the Jews living in Judea are called occupiers? Doesn't this logic confuse you? But the name “Judea” appeared long before, say, the names “France”, “Germany” or “Norway”. Nobody denies the right of the French to live in France, and the Norwegians in Norway. Well, almost no one - someone still wants to oust the indigenous peoples from their lands, which rightfully belong to them, but we will talk about these “someones” below. In the meantime, displacement technology is being tested in one country - Israel.

The facts indicate that the Jews came to the land of Canaan. Yes - they conquered, but who in those days (and the next few thousand years) acted differently? The French, Germans, Russians, Spaniards - all these peoples conquered the lands that are now proclaimed their states. After all, no one disputes their right to live on these lands (minor territorial disputes do not count - fractions of percent do not play a fundamental role).

The formation of the USA, Australia, and some other states began from scratch (by the way - with the mass murder of the indigenous population), and by the way, unlike the disappeared tribes that inhabited ancient Canaan, American Indians, aborigines, Maoris and others still exist today. But no one disputes the borders of these countries; the claims of the world community are focused exclusively on Israel. Palestine - to the Palestinians, period! Sorry - exclamation point.

Why are Jews denied the right to live in Judea? Moreover, the Jews are denied, while the rights of the Palestinians are recognized. Well then, let's figure out who the Palestinians are?
The word "Palestinians" is derived from the word "Palestine". But the piquancy of the situation is that " Palestine"were invented (yes, yes, they were invented) 2000 years ago, and Palestinian people invented (yes, invented) several decades ago - in 1967.

Some believe that the "Palestinians" are the heirs of the Plishtim (Philistines), a people who lived in the Middle East in biblical times. Well, the words are very consonant. Alas, I must disappoint you - the Plishtim people were killed, or rather, all the inhabitants were slaughtered (men and old people, and women and children were sold into slavery) according to the customs of that time. Who do you think is to blame for the Plishtim genocide? If you thought that they were Jews, then no, you didn’t guess - Plishtim was carved out by Alexander the Great in 332 BC, during the conquest of Asia.
So, plishtim (the real ones), these are never Arabs, but migrants to Canaan from Crete and other Mediterranean islands, who lived in the southern part of the Mediterranean coast of present-day Israel, in the cities of the region of the present-day Gaza Strip. And they never lived in Judea and Samaria. And they disappeared from the globe. So there is no connection between Plishtim and those who are called "Palestinians" today.

Now about “Palestine” itself.
The scene is the Roman province of Judea, 135 AD. e.
The Roman Emperor Hadrian suppressed the Jewish uprising against Rome and ordered the province of “Judea” to be renamed “Palestine” so as not to remind anyone. It was painfully difficult to suppress the uprising. Or it’s painful and difficult - that’s not the point. But the point is that Adrian ordered, and the order was carried out, from then on this land began to be called Palestine, and the inhabitants... and the inhabitants continued to be called Jews. And the Jews continued to live in what was then Palestine (formerly Judea).

There has been a substitution of concepts and a unique situation has arisen where Palestine exists, but there are no Palestinian people. No? And who lives in the little house 2000 years ago? Little mouse? A frog frog? And in the little house (Palestine) live the Jewish people and the soldiers. Israeli military occupier? But no - Roman occupier malts. Evono how! When we say party, we mean who? That's right - Lenin. So if we talk about “Palestinians,” who do we mean? Wow! Jews are the inhabitants of Palestine, the only legal owners of the name "Palestinians".

By the way, it was then that Hadrian expelled a significant number of Jews from Judea (Palestine). A significant number, but not all. Since biblical times, Jews have lived continuously on this land. Constantly! And they waited for the others who had been expelled from their homeland to return.
Where are the Arabs? And the Arabs appeared much later. After Palestine passed from Rome to Byzantium, then to the Persians, from those again to the Byzantines, and only around 636 AD the Muslim Arabs conquered this land. Then back and forth in the sense of the Crusades, then Egypt (yes, yes), in the Middle Ages came the Ottomans, then in 1920 the British. I remind you - all this time Jews lived here. They were killed, expelled again, but Jews continued to live on this land. And with the exception of short periods of time, they constituted the majority of the population of Palestine (Judea).

Now about the creation of the State of Israel.
In 1917, Britain published the Balfour Declaration. I quote: "His Majesty's Government is considering with approval the question of establishing in Palestine a national home for the Jewish people, and will make every effort to promote the achievement of this goal."
At that time, British Palestine was located in what is now Israel and Jordan. The Declaration was supported by the League of Nations, and automatically by the UN, which replaced the League of Nations. Unfortunately (only for a reason known to them), the British did not establish clear boundaries for the future state of the Jews and subsequently resorted to their favorite principle of “neither themselves nor others” - “divide and conquer.” At that time, Palestine was inhabited mainly by Jews and Arabs. Britain divided Palestine into two parts, O The first to create the Arab state of Jordan. Then she divided the remaining piece of land again, and on one part she invited the Jews to create their own state, and on the other another Arab state. The Jews agreed to restore their country on the small piece of land that was offered to them, and Baba Yaga against the Arabs abandoned another Arab country and... went to fight with the Jews. Ogrebl. Let's go. Then they went to throw the Jews into the sea again. They raked again. Let's go again. You won’t believe it, but 1948 and 1967 were not enough for them; 1973 came. They rowed again and set off again. And these are only the main wars, not counting small and large conflicts.

And in 1967, the Arabs (more precisely, their curators in the KGB) came up with one trick - since this land is still stubbornly called Palestine, and the Jews still prefer to call the country Israel, and themselves Jews, then it is possible to steal their right be called Palestinians. So they appropriated what does not belong to them - the right to be called Palestinians. By the way, is there a copyright violation?
I’m not going to appeal to the voice of reason and look for logic, I’m too lazy to accuse the British of fraud (divide Palestine into 3 parts and give the smaller part to the Jews), but gentlemen and ladies, I do support the recent attempts of some people to get a vote at the UN on the creation of the state of Palestine. And at the same time, let this state be returned to the legitimate owners of legal rights, and not to just anyone who has taken advantage of them.

Yes, I promised to talk about the invaluable contribution real Palestinians have made to the world's heritage.
It is to the Palestinians that our civilization owes the transition from paganism to monotheism. Christianity was born among the Palestinian people and thanks to it it spread throughout the world. The discoveries of Palestinian scientists move science forward; many Palestinian scientists have won Nobel Prizes for their real contributions to science, medicine and culture...

And what achievements can the thieves boast of who have arrogated to themselves the right to be called Palestinians? Corruption on an unprecedented scale? What do these thieves do with the astronomical amounts of money that the world community gives them? For this money, it would be possible to bring the economy of not such a small piece of land, but even a state the size of France, into the top ten most developed countries. What did they choose to do with this money? What is Abu Mazen famous for? Doctoral dissertation on Holocaust denial! What are the so-called “Palestinian” political/terrorist organizations famous for? Terrorism at, practically, the state level?

Isn't it time to finally admit that the Arab Palestinians are a scam. The appropriation of the name “Palestinians” by the Arabs is blatant theft. The armed struggle of the Arabs for Palestine is a war crime. And judge terrorists, not give them Nobel Peace Prizes and cash grants and international honors.

Archpriest Seraphim Slobodskoy
God's law

Old Testament


A country Palestine, in which our Savior, the Lord Jesus Christ, lived on earth, is a relatively small strip of land (about three hundred kilometers long and about one hundred kilometers wide), located along the eastern shore of the Mediterranean Sea.

In the north of Palestine, on the slopes of the Lebanese mountains lies Galilee. Picturesque hills, green pastures, and countless gardens made Galilee the most beautiful part of Palestine. Its main beauty is now Lake Galilee, which is also called Gennesaret or Tiberias (it is twenty kilometers long and a little more than nine kilometers wide). The shores of this lake at the time of the Savior were covered with rich vegetation; palm trees, grapevines, figs, almond trees, and flowering oleanders grew here. The beautiful cities: Capernaum, Tiberias, Chorazin and Bethsaida, located along the shores of this lake, were small, but very crowded. Their inhabitants led simple and hardworking lives. They cultivated every piece of land, were engaged in trade, various crafts, mainly fishing.

South of Galilee lies Samaria. The inhabitants of Samaria (Samaritans) were in constant hostility with the Jews; They even built a separate temple for themselves on Mount Gerizin so as not to go to Jerusalem.

The largest part of Palestine, south of Samaria, is called Judea. Its western part is a plain, cut by small streams flowing into the Mediterranean Sea. This plain gradually rises to the east and ends with the Judean mountains; Since ancient times it has been famous for its fertility. The slopes of these mountains are covered with greenery, covered with entire groves of olive trees; Farther and higher the mountains become rockier and sadder. Among these mountains stands a great city Jerusalem, the capital (main city) of Judea and all of Palestine.

The main river of Palestine is Jordan. The Jordan begins in the Lebanese mountains in the form of clear mountain streams. When descending into the valley, these streams form one river, which overflows and forms the Lake of Galilee. From this lake the Jordan flows in the form of a fast, wide river with low green banks; this place was called the Jordan Valley at that time. As we approach Judea, the banks of the Jordan become higher and more deserted, looking like bare rocks, devoid of any vegetation; only the backwaters of the Jordan are covered with reeds. There were crocodiles and wild animals hiding there. (This was the Jordan Desert, where John the Baptist lived and preached). At the end of its course, the Jordan enters the wildest and most desolate area and flows into the Dead Sea.

Largely modern Palestine culture presented in the works of Palestinian prose writers and masters of fine art. At the same time, as critics note, the film industry in Palestine is now beginning to develop quite dynamically.

Religion Palestine

According to existing official statistics, slightly more than 75% of the population, mainly of Arab origin, are adherents of Sunni Islam. However, in general, the modern one includes representatives of other religious faiths, in particular, Jews, Orthodox Christians and Catholics. In this sense geography of Palestine allows us to assert that, of course, Muslims are traditionally the majority here.

Economy of Palestine

Based on the characteristics of the modern Middle East market, it is developing in three main directions, namely agriculture, light industry and trade. It is worth noting that a significant part of the same agricultural products from Palestine goes to Israel for processing.

Science of Palestine

Although a significant part of Palestinian specialists are educated in various educational institutions in Western Europe, the USA and Russia, they also have a fairly developed network of training, both for their specialists and for the training of teachers. So in particular in 2000 in the state Palestine there were slightly less than one and a half thousand secondary schools.

Art of Palestine

One of the main features of modern Palestine is the fact that the modern largely tries to reflect the modern realities of life in Palestinian society and its socio-political issues within the framework of modern realities. Wherein, culture, as critics note, literature and fine arts are mainly based on the traditions of European culture and, to a lesser extent, on the traditions of the Arab heritage.

Palestine cuisine

It just so happens historically that the traditional one, over its centuries-old history, has absorbed the best culinary traditions of its Arab neighbors. Taking this into account, the Lebanese “baba ganoush” in Palestine has a slightly different name, namely “mtabel”, while having not only the same ingredients, but also the preparation procedure.

Customs and traditions of Palestine

One of the main features of the national traditions and customs of Palestine is that the centuries-old proximity of cultures such as Arab and Jewish has led to the fact that it has absorbed a lot from Jewish culture. And this applies not only to the customs of home improvement, but also to traditional dances and songs.

Sports of Palestine

If we talk about the development of sports and sports traditions in Palestine, the phenomenon is somewhat monotonous with a predominant focus on traditional European football. And unlike the sports traditions of neighboring Arab countries such as Saudi Arabia or the United Arab Emirates, national sports are practically not practiced in Palestine.

Chapter 1. Who lived in Palestine before the arrival of the Jews?

Let others talk about the centuries that have sunk

Narrated with measured simplicity

Or a song that touches the soul,

Hints about life lived.

I would sing about them too, if only

I haven’t been since childhood - all of it, from eyes to hands -

Strange news, incorruptible slave,

Strange power is an unfailing friend.

D. Andreev

First, a brief geographical background. Palestine is located on the eastern coast of the Mediterranean Sea. The Arabian Desert approaches the country from the south, the Syrian Desert to the east, and the border with Syria to the north. In ancient times, the Jews called only the western, coastal part of the country Palestine. From the beginning of the 5th century. BC e. the Greeks began to call the whole country that way. The Romans who came here later retained this name. The Old Testament often mentions Canaan, which is how the territory of Palestine and Syria was called in ancient times. The Hebrew name Canaan was often replaced by the word “Phoenicia,” although, in essence, Phenicia meant only a narrow strip of territory stretching along the shore of the Mediterranean Sea.

Jews appeared in Palestine relatively late, not earlier than the 18th century BC. e. The people who inhabited this land before their arrival are called by the Bible Canaanites (Canaanites). What kind of ethnic group is this and what are its roots? Most modern historians consider it a Semitic tribe. Thus, in the book “History of the Ancient World. Early Antiquity”, one of the most authoritative experts on the history of the Ancient East, Professor I.M. Dyakonov writes: “The study of the oldest geographical names in this territory and partly direct data from Egyptian and Mesopotamian texts lead us to believe that the Eastern Mediterranean, at least from the 3rd millennium BC. e. was inhabited by Western Semites. They may be divided into three groups of tribes on the basis of certain characteristic features of their dialects; these three groups are conventionally called Canaanites, Amorites and Arameans.” True, which geographical names of the Eastern Mediterranean belong to the world of Semitic vocabulary and which texts from the archives of the Egyptian pharaohs and Mesopotamian kings prove the presence of Semitic tribes here since the 3rd millennium BC? e., for some reason the scientist does not give it. This cannot but alert any thinking reader, and he will easily find many questions that the professor is unlikely to be able to answer intelligibly.

Let's look at the same Bible. It says that Canaan was the son of Ham, but not Shem, the progenitor of the Semites. The Arabs, like the Jews, are also a Semitic people (descendants of Shem!) and consider Ismail, the son of Abraham from the Egyptian Hagar, to be their ancestor. Consequently, they also appeared in Palestine relatively late. Then what modern Semitic peoples can trace their origins to Canaan? Obviously, none. But doesn’t this mean that all the talk about Western Semites living in the Eastern Mediterranean “at least from the 3rd millennium BC?” e.”, are far-fetched and are simply scientific fiction? Semites-pastoralists, of course, could penetrate at this time in separate groups into the lands of Syria and Palestine, but it was not they, but the Indo-Europeans who were the founders of civilization here! Cooling in Europe in the middle of the 4th millennium BC. e. caused a wave of migrations to the Mediterranean countries and to Western Asia from the north. First of all, Aryan tribes actively participated in this migration. The Canaanites are the Vans (Venet) - the ancestors of modern Russians (Vani-Ivans!), who came to Palestine from the Russian Plain.

In his earlier books “Ancient Dews. Mythological parallels and migration routes”, “Ancestors of Russians in the Ancient World”, “Secrets of the Trojan War and Mediterranean Rus'”, “Mediterranean Rus' and the mysteries of the Bible” the author offered an original interpretation of the events that took place in Western Asia and the Middle East in the 2nd millennium BC . e. It is based on the idea of ​​the presence of bearers of Aryan (Old Russian) culture in these territories. These include primarily the biblical Canaanites. Modern philologists derive the Russian name “Ivan” from the Hebrew “Iahanan” - “the god Yahweh had mercy.” But Ivan is originally a Russian image, this is the name of one of our most ancient gods, which was beautifully written about in the 19th century by the outstanding folklorist and literary critic A. N. Afanasyev in his famous essay “On the Poetic Views of the Slavs on Nature.” Russian fairy tales are older in origin than both the Bible itself and the most ancient Semitic myths. It was the word “Ivan” (“Vanya”), as the generic name of the Aryans who moved to the Mediterranean, that gave birth to the name of the Canaanite people and their country Canaan.

There are various scientific explanations for the word “Canaan.” It is often associated with the concept of purple or the color red in general, considering Canaan in this case as the “Purple Country.” The reason for this is seen in the production of purple dye, so valued in ancient times, on the Syro-Palestinian coast. To many researchers, however, this explanation seems far-fetched: it is difficult to imagine that any nation would call itself by the name of the product it produces. And the Canaanite regions were famous, rather, for the export of timber, rather than textiles. It is more logical to believe that the adjective “red” in Middle Eastern sources came from the name of the country, and not vice versa. In the same way, the name “Phoenicians,” by which the Canaanites were known to the Greeks, is incorrectly derived from a Greek root meaning “red.” But the very relationship of the name of the Canaanite people (Phoenicians) with the color red, revealed by linguists, makes us recall one interesting observation made by Doctor of Historical Sciences, Professor A. G. Kuzmin in his preface to the two-volume book “Where did the Russian Land Come From”:

“In Western Europe, Rus' was also called Rugia, Ruthenia, sometimes Ruya or Ruyana. In the first centuries in Gaul there was a Celtic tribe of Rutheni, which was often accompanied by the epithet “Flavi Ruteni”, that is, “red-haired Ruteni”. This phrase in some medieval ethnogeographical descriptions was transferred to Rus', and, as indicated in our literature, such a transfer required some kind of at least external basis. And indeed, in the 10th century, the Northern Italian author Liutprand explained the ethnonym “Rus” from “common” Greek as “red”, “red-haired”. In French sources, for example, the daughter of Yaroslav the Wise, Anna the Russian, was also interpreted as Anna the Red. The name of the Black Sea as “Russian” is found in more than a dozen sources from the West and East. Usually this name is associated with an ethnonym and serves, in particular, to justify the southern origin of Rus'. This is not excluded and even probable. But we must also keep in mind that this name itself was interpreted as “Red”. In some Slavic sources the sea is called not “Black”, but “Chermny”, that is, Red. It is also called in the Irish sagas that lead the first settlers on the island of Ireland from “Scythia” (in Irish: “Mare Ruadh”). The name “Ruteni” itself apparently comes from the Celtic designation for the color red, although this name was transferred to the Rugov-Russians already in the Latin tradition.

In the Russian medieval tradition there was also a version that the name “Rus” is associated with the color “blond”. This tradition is usually not taken seriously. However, it has deep roots. Thus, in some early Slavic monuments the designation of the month of September is recorded as ruen, or Ryuen, that is, almost the same as the island of Rügen (usually Ruyana) was called in Slavic languages. The meaning of this name of the month is the same as the adjective “light brown”: namely brown-yellow, crimson (later the word “light brown” will come to mean a slightly different shade). Essentially, all forms of designation of Rus' in Western European sources are explained from some languages ​​and dialects as “red”, “red”. In this case, it is not necessary to talk about appearance, although the appearance in the eyes of neighbors could correspond to this. In symbolism so important for the Middle Ages, the red color meant power, the right to rule. The red color could be specially emphasized, as the author of “The Tale of Igor’s Campaign” emphasized “scarlet,” that is, the red color of the Russian shields.”

Let the reader forgive us for such a long quote, but after reading it, didn’t you get the feeling that the Canaanites (Phoenicians) were really somehow connected with Russia, the Russians? Moreover, very close to them was the real Red Sea, and it is difficult to believe that it was not they, the best sailors of the Ancient World, who gave it this name. By the way, Herodotus twice (I, 1; VII, 89) speaks about the origin of the Phoenicians, leading them out of the region of the Erythraean Sea, from where they came to the shores of the Mediterranean Sea, and the second time he refers directly to the Phoenicians themselves: “As they themselves say” . In Greek, "Erythraean" means "Red". The Phoenicians themselves understood it as the Red (Black) Sea. But it would not be a mistake to say, as many modern historians do, that the Phoenicians arrived in Palestine from the shores of the Red Sea, which washes the Arabian Peninsula. The fact is that the wave of migration of Aryan tribes thoroughly “covered” this peninsula!

About 30 kilometers southeast of Sana'a, the capital of the Yemen Arab Republic, there is an area called “Russian Country” (Bilyad er-Rus). In the same way, no one remembers when and why the huge salt marsh in the southeast of Arabia received the name “Fathers of the Russians” (Aba er-Rus). The memory of certain “fair-faced brothers” is firmly preserved in the minds of the inhabitants of Arabia. Thus, the ancestors of the proud Arabian Bedouins called themselves “Ahmar,” which means “red, red.” There is a whole area not far from the Yemeni capital, people from which bear the “surname” Ahmar. Light skin and hair color has long been considered in the East as a sign of nobility. The same can be said about the Berbers of the Sahara. The idea of ​​superiority, high social rank, and nobility was strongly associated with light skin, hair, and eye color. “Light-colored” in the works of Bedouin poets are heroes, warriors - heroes, leaders, kings. In the Koran, the image of people with white faces received religious interpretation as an image of virtuous people. The stable expression “May Allah illuminate your face!” has entered the Arabic language, that is, it will make you honorable and respected.

In the 3rd millennium BC. e. the territory of modern Palestine (Canaan) became one of the centers of concentration of the Aryans who migrated to the Mediterranean countries. Aryans gathered here - refugees and people from Egypt, Arabia and Mesopotamia. They did not prevent mixed marriages with local tribes. As a result, the Canaanite ethnos represented a multinational element in which the leading role, however, was played by the ancestors of the Russians - the Aryans. For those who still doubt the presence of our ancestors in such distant lands, we especially point out that the name of the first man - Adam - literally means “red” in Hebrew, and this should be understood not at all as a characteristic of a representative of the red race, but as an indication of fair-haired (red!) Ivan, who became a little bored in the midst of paradise. And the word “Phoenicia” itself, like the name Venice, which is consonant with it, goes back to the root “van”, from which the names “vans” (Canaanites) and “venets” (Phoenicians) originated.

It is quite understandable that a reader encountering this kind of ideas for the first time may be very wary, if not hostile, towards them. But we, for our part, recall that the topic of migrations of the ancient Aryans to the Mediterranean has been touched upon by many researchers. The fact that the same people are hiding under the names of Canaan and Vanir (Venet) was pointed out by the candidate of economic sciences D. N. Emelyanov and the writer V. I. Shcherbakov. A. V. Trekhlebov, V. V. Danilov, V. N. Demin, Yu. D. Petukhov wrote in their books about the presence of the ancestors of Russians and Slavs in the Middle East and Western Asia. Professional historians are very reluctant to admit this, but do their best to keep silent about the participation of the Aryans in the history of the Middle East or emphasize the insignificance of their role and their influence on political processes. In this book we will try, as far as possible, to show the inconsistency of such views.

Let us return again to the genealogy of Canaan, the son of Ham. The word “boor” in modern Russian means a rude, arrogant person. It came to us from the pages of the Bible and is directly related to one of the episodes in the life of Ham. One day his father Noah - the same one who escaped the flood in his ark - began to cultivate the land. Having worked hard, he drank wine and, getting drunk, fell asleep naked in his tent. Ham, by chance seeing his father's nakedness, went out and told his brothers Shem and Japheth about it. Then they took the clothes and, putting them on their shoulders, walked backwards and covered their father with them. Their faces were turned back, and they did not see their father's nakedness. When Noah woke up and found out what Ham had done wrong, he angrily said: “Cursed is Canaan; He will be a servant of servants to his brothers” (Gen. 9:25). Theologians have analyzed this story in detail and highlighted all the unsightly aspects of Ham's act. The Explanatory Bible explains that Ham, unlike his brothers, “discovered a vicious inclination and a corrupted imagination, and a lack of filial piety.” As they say, everything is clear here. But there is something dark and unsaid in this whole parable. Why does Noah curse not Ham himself, but his son? Moreover, the guilty Ham has four sons, and the name of one of them - Mizraim - the sacred Jewish books were constantly correlated with Egypt. Why is his grandfather's anger not directed at him? It is obvious that the story of Ham’s transgression is included in the Bible solely for the purpose of justifying the “legitimacy” of Canaan’s future servile dependence on his brothers.

It seems to us that this biblical episode also contains a substructure that went unnoticed by its interpreters. Let us ask ourselves: what does the name Ham mean? Bible scholars who derive it from Hebrew roots will say that it means “hot,” “passionate.” But if we consider the Canaanites as descendants of the Aryans, then a parallel between Ham and the god of love in ancient Indian mythology, Kama, suggests itself. In ancient Indian “kama” means “desire”, “sensual attraction”, “love”. God Kama was depicted as a youth riding on a parrot (also on a chariot); in his hands is a bow made of sugar cane with a bowstring made of bees and five arrows made of flowers that send love passion. Well, why is he not Yar-Eros or the “first Russian lover” Ivan? In the beliefs of our ancestors, gods associated with fertility occupied a special (supreme!) place. And it seems extremely logical that the biblical tradition calls the ancient Aryan god of love the parent of Canaan - Ivan (the name of the Kama River also reminds us of his connection with the ancestral home of the Aryans - Russia).

Decoding the name Hama helps us finally understand the deep essence of the scandal in the “Puritan” family of Noah. We think that no one will deny that whether sober or drunk, people, as a rule, undress in bed to perform very specific sacraments. Without developing this topic, we only note that the god of love passion, to whom Ham was likened in this story, was supposed to reveal everything usually hidden from prying eyes, even if it was only nudity. It is also clear that the more intriguing the spectacle, the more Ham wanted to tell his brothers about it. By the way, both Shem and Japheth appear in this family drama in an extremely unattractive form. Firstly, it is impossible to cover a person by looking only back, which means that at least one of them also committed an ungodly act. And secondly, it was they who informed their father about their brother, and we, contrary to the opinion of theological scholars, would not praise Shem and Japheth.

Historian Yu. B. Tsirkin in his book “From Canaan to Carthage” discusses in detail the idea of ​​the young Moscow researcher A. A. Nemirovsky that Cain, the eldest son of Adam and Eve, should be considered as the ancestor of the Canaanites. In the Hebrew silent spelling, the names Cain and Canaan can be considered synonymous. In the Bible, Cain appears as a murderer and the first villain on earth. But this negative attitude towards him is perfectly explained if in the conflict between the farmer Cain and the cattle breeder Abel one sees a manifestation of hostile relations between the settled population of Canaan and the Jewish settlers. The Book of Genesis tells the story of Cain and his descendants. After killing his brother, he fled to the country of Nod, located east of Eden, where he married and had a son, Enoch. There, Cain built the first city (previously cities are not mentioned in the Bible), which he named after his son. So Cain turns out to be not only the first farmer, but also the first city dweller. It is known that before the Jewish conquest, Canaan was a country of cities, so the hatred that the conquerors had for the indigenous population was transferred to Cain.

The listing of Cain's descendants represents only a list of names and does not carry any information. The only exception is Lamech, the fifth descendant of Cain, whose sons became the progenitors of all nomadic cattle breeders (Yabal), musicians (Iubal) and blacksmiths (Tubal-Cain). Yu. B. Tsirkin notes that the story about Cain’s stay in the country of Nod and his descendants seems artificially inserted into the narrative of antediluvian times. The fourth chapter of the Book of Genesis is in no way connected with its other parts; in the next, fifth chapter, the line of Seth, the third son of Adam, is discussed. On this basis, Yu. B. Tsirkin concludes that the story of Cain and his family “should be considered as the mythical prehistory of Canaan.” At the same time, we must admit only on the basis of the biblical text that the Canaanites were not only farmers, cattle breeders, and metallurgists, but also an artistically gifted people - singers and musicians.

The Amorites are named among the sons of Canaan in the Book of Genesis. If we trace the name of Canaan to the Russian Vanya (Ivan), then Amorite (Marey!) is the male analogue of the name Mary. The first “a” in this case is similar to the indefinite article in English or the initial vowel in full Russian names and Irish surnames like O’Brien. In ancient sources, the Marean people were also called Cimmerians. In this name, the name of the common Indo-European god Ki appears as a prefix, which was used in the meaning of “great”, “divine”. Therefore, the name “Cimmerians” means “great Marei” or, in other words, “who worship the goddess Mary” (the Slavs also called her Marena, Mara).

The Cimmerians lived in the southern Russian steppes, off the coast of the Azov and Caspian seas. It was from there that they migrated to Asia Minor and further to Mesopotamia and the Middle East. The Canaan-Ivans and the Amorites-Marites turn out to be related tribes. It is interesting to add to this that in Russian folklore the images of Ivan and Marya are thought of as twins! In dictionaries of Russian names it is usually written that the name “Maria” is of Hebrew origin, but this is not true! The Jews have a different form of this name - Miriam, and besides, it itself is secondary in relation to the common Slavic “world” - compare: Mir-ko, Yaro-mir, Lado-mir, Vladi-mir.

In our opinion, Marya (Mareya, Maria) literally means Ma (t) - Rhea. Among the Greeks, the Titanide Rhea was the mother of the great Greek gods - Zeus, Hades, Poseidon, Hera, Demeter and Hestia. But the name Rhea itself is of non-Greek origin. It comes from the Old Russian words “yara”, “yarena”, “yarenaya” (i.e. fertilized and ready to bear fruit). It is natural to consider the goddess Rhea (Yara) as a female parallel to the god Yar (Russian Yarila!), by whose name our ancestors called themselves Aryans. Among the Russians and Slavs, the Great Goddess Yara (Rhea) began to be revered over time under the name Marena (Mary).

In 1934, during excavations of the Tel Hariri hill, not far from Damascus, French archaeologist Andre Parrot found the figure of a bearded man with hands folded in prayer. The cuneiform text at the base of the sculpture read: “I am lami-Mari, king of the state of Mari...” The existence of the state of Mari in ancient times was already known earlier, but no one had previously been able to establish where it was located. Further searches by Parro confirmed that the ruins of the capital of Marie were located under the hill. A temple, residential buildings, fortress walls, a ziggurat and a magnificent royal palace built in the 3rd millennium BC were discovered. e., consisting of two hundred and sixty rooms and halls. There were kitchens, baths with baths, a throne room and a prayer room. True, traces of fire and deliberate destruction were visible everywhere. The largest find in Mari was the royal archive, which included thirty-three thousand six hundred clay tablets with cuneiform texts. From these tablets, scientists learned that the population of Mari was made up of Amorite tribes.

The name Mari is of Indo-European origin and cannot in any way be recognized as Semitic. This circumstance alone is enough to doubt that the Amorites belong to the Semites. Where does the name of Damascus come from - a city that was considered by the ancient inhabitants of the East to be one of the heavenly places on earth? The biblical encyclopedia derives the name of this city from the Serbian language, where it means “a place of trouble, activity” (or, simply put, “house”), and from here it automatically follows that it was the ancestors of the Serbs who participated in laying the “first stone” here, and no not Semites. And what can I say, the Slavic origin of this name is visible to the naked eye: after all, only the Slavs have an abundance of city names ending with the suffix “sk” - Gdansk, Kursk, Minsk, etc. ...

At the end of the 3rd millennium BC. e. Amorite tribes penetrate Mesopotamia, seize vast areas in the Semitic country of Akkad and create a strong state centered in Babylon. Geographically, Semitic tribes were initially concentrated in Mesopotamia and the Arabian Peninsula. Indo-European and Aryan settlers from Europe concentrated mainly to the west of them - in northern Africa, Palestine, Syria and Asia Minor. It is quite clear that the boundaries between these families of peoples were “transparent”. The Bible tells us in detail about the movement of Jewish tribes from the territory of Mesopotamia towards Palestine and, further, Egypt. But in exactly the same way, the reverse process of penetration of Indo-Europeans and Aryans into the lands of the Semites took place. Moreover, and this is a fundamental point defended by the author in this book, the Indo-Europeans came to Mesopotamia long before the Semites began their exodus from it. By the beginning of the 18th century. BC e. Semitic tribes had already, to a certain extent, absorbed elements of Indo-European culture. They worshiped the idols of the Aryan gods (more on that a little later), and this is a sure sign that the Canaanite and Amorite tribes conquered one or another Semitic kingdom. In particular, it seems that no one has yet recorded the Babylonian king Hammurabi as a Semite! And his name, taking into account the possible transition of consonants and the convention of reading vowels, can be deciphered as Ka (Ki) + Mura (Mara) + suffix - honoring the supreme gods Ki and Mary, “the great Marey (Amorite)”, or... Cimmerian! We once again come to the idea of ​​participation in Asian and Mediterranean events by the ancestors of modern Russians.

At the beginning of the 2nd millennium BC. e. In the lands controlled by the Amorites in Northern Mesopotamia, the multinational state of Mitanni arose with a ruling Aryan dynasty. The military guard of the Mitannian kings was called Marianna (they are Marei!), that is, it consisted of Amorites.

Modern researchers do not have any satisfactory explanation for the name of this state. It is known, however, that the inhabitants themselves called themselves Maittani. In Russian reading it can be translated as Mother-Ana or Divine Mother (Anat is one of the names of the Great Goddess in Asia Minor and the Middle East; it is related to the Russian pronoun “she”). The name of the country indicates that the cult of the Great Goddess was especially revered in it. Modern Russians call their country Fatherland. This word is neuter, but it is formed from the masculine noun “father” and reflects the influence of patriarchal ideas on the formation of concepts. The name of the country, Maitani, can be interpreted as a “female” analogue of the word “fatherland”. This explanation is supported by the fact that the guard of the Mitannian troops, the most combat-ready warriors, were called “Mariannes,” that is, servants and defenders of the Great Goddess Mary. The Mitannians were also called Hurrians by another name. For historians, the meaning of this word is a sealed secret. But from Greek mythology it is known that the guardian companions of the goddess Rhea were called curetes. It turns out that the Hurrians-Kuretes are people who worship the Aryan Great Goddess!

The most revered goddesses among the Mitannians were Ishtar, Shavushka and Gepa (t), or Gypta. The name "Ishtar" should be read as "There is Yara (Rhea)" or "True Yara (Rhea)". Obviously, it goes back to the name of the ancient Aryan goddess. The name Shavushka (Savushka) serves as a diminutive form of the name Sava; it is formed on the same principle as the Russian words “girl”, “cutie”, etc. The name Sava itself is a distorted version of Siva - the Great Goddess among the northern peoples . The name Savushka-Siva recalls the Great White Goddess - Cybele (Ki-Bele, white = grey), identified with Rhea. In Asia Minor, Shavushka was also attributed masculine traits and attributes. Being the goddess of carnal love, she could punish enemies and oathbreakers, changing the nature of their sexual behavior to the opposite. According to the testimony of ancient authors, such metamorphoses were quite a common ritual for the most ardent servants of the Supreme Goddess (curetes).

Indo-European nature and the name of the goddess Gepa or Hebe, Gaia Baba. By giving (without any reason!) priority to the hissing vocalization of Hurrian names, linguists significantly complicate the understanding of the real interaction of peoples and the interpenetration of their cultures. Hepa-Gypta was well known throughout the Middle East. One of the cave paintings depicts her riding a lion before entering into a sacred marriage with the Storm God. In the Orphic hymns she is mentioned under the name "Gypta - the earthly mother." In one of them, Hermes addresses Hephaestus and his retinue this way: “I, the messenger of the bottomless depths, pacify the spirits, unite the lords of the elements: Gaia, and Rhea, and Gyptus, and you, lord of fire!” Then he sings:

Gypta, the nurse of Bacchus, who cries “heya,” I call,

With the power of the good nurse I call Dionysus - you, Levkothea!

Reconcile the Titans.

Leucothea is translated from Greek as “White Goddess”, an epithet of Ki-Bela. The comparison of Gypta with Gaia, Rhea and Cybele clearly indicates its northern origin. Mythologists admit that her cult came to Asia from Thrace, but it came to the Balkans from even more northern lands: on the Russian Plain, Gypta-Gepa is known as Yagaya-Baba (Baba Yaga), which was her prototype. In the country of the pyramids, the male analogue of Gypta, the god Geb, was worshiped - the personification of the earth and the natural principles associated with it. Apparently, the name of the country - Egypt - is associated with their name.

Another supreme god of the Mitannians is Teshshup, the god of the Storm and the King of the gods. His “weapons” are thunder, rain, winds and lightning, and he rides on a four-wheeled war chariot drawn by bulls. In a voiced (non-hissing) vowel, his name represents a structure of three consonants D-zh-b, which gives rise to the name Dazhbog (vowels, we repeat, are restored by philologists ambiguously and in most cases are conditional). For the first time, V. Shcherbakov pointed out the identity of the Hurrian Teshshup and the Russian Dazhbog. Dazhbog was one of the main gods in Kievan Rus and was part of the pantheon of Prince Vladimir. His name already contains his full characteristics as a giver of benefits. In Russian pronunciation it turns into Dazhd-bog, and this form already reminds of rain and storm - Teshshup’s “weapons”. The Russian language easily and simply explains the linguistic puzzles of scientists!

Another son of Canaan is Heth. The Hittite state was located in the very center of Asia Minor (the Anatolia Peninsula, the territory of modern Turkey). As the outstanding Czech linguist Bedrich Grozny showed in 1915, the Hittite language belongs to the Indo-European group of languages. This circumstance serves as another important indication in favor of the fact that the Canaanites and Amorites, related to the Hittites, were not originally Semites. Another thing is that these tribes did not oppose intermarriage with the Semites and ultimately “mixed” with them. But it was a very long process.

The amazing discovery of B. the Terrible was not the result of an accidental insight. Back in 1902, the Norwegian scientist J. A. Knudton came up with the idea that the Hittite language belongs to the Indo-European group. But later, under pressure from criticism from all philologists and historians, he abandoned it. When B. Grozny set about deciphering the Hittite language, he shared the generally accepted view throughout the scientific world that the Hittite language is a Semitic language. After all, he was invited to participate in the work of publishing the Hittite tablets found by archaeologists as a Semitologist. Moreover, the theory of the Semitic origin of the Hittites was not built on sand. One of the strongest arguments was the physical appearance of the Hittites, depicted in realistic reliefs on the walls of the Karnak Ramesseum (circa 1250 BC), on the tomb of Pharaoh Horemheb (circa 1310 BC), as well as in numerous sculptural images found at excavation sites of Hittite monuments in Asia Minor. The Hittites are characterized by a large, downturned nose and sloping forehead; their racial type does not seem to be Indo-European at all, but rather Semitic-Armenian. But all these monuments are from a fairly late time, when the Hittites, due to their “openness,” had already become related to other peoples of Asia. The same problem arises with the ethnic identification of the Canaanite-Phoenicians and the Amorites. In the monuments that have reached us, we notice that many of them have clearly Semitic features. But the example of the Hittites shows that this is not yet an argument in favor of their belonging to the Semites.

The Hittites and the Mitannians were in close communication. This conclusion was made by historians after B. the Terrible read four large clay tablets written in cuneiform in the Hittite language with an admixture of non-Hittite expressions found here and there. In general, they presented a special guide to horse training - the first work of this kind in world literature. It was written by Kikkuli, the chief equerry of the Hittite king. By origin he was not a Hittite, but a Mitannian. The Hittite king invited him as an expert to introduce the most progressive methods of horse training in his kingdom. “As a result of the complete translation, it turned out,” writes B. Grozny, that we are dealing “with a textbook consisting of three parts: 1) preparing a horse for training, 2) training a horse in a gait, 3) training a horse in a gallop. In total, the training lasted 200 days. It is very interesting with what precision every step, every rest, every feeding, every watering, every bathing of the trained horses is determined for a whole 200 days. This is a work that is striking in its methodical nature, a work whose Indo-European origin is obvious.” And further the scientist adds that many expressions in the prescriptions are of Aryan-Mitannian origin.

The Hittites trained horses mainly for war chariots. For them, Kikkuli was, in modern terms, a military adviser. In his homeland, he apparently belonged to the military elite, which means, in all likelihood, he was an Amorite. Today, most historians believe that the first chariots appeared in the Urals (Sintashta culture) and in the adjacent more western and more southern regions at the turn of the 3rd and 2nd millennia BC. e. This is the habitat of the Aryans. But even in Mitanni, the main royal equerry was the Aryan Kikkuli! In the field of military art, the Aryans at that time were superior to the peoples of Western Asia. It was this factor, along with the invention of the chariot, that predetermined the Aryan migrations to the south, unique in scale, in the 2nd millennium BC. e.

The country of the Hittites lay “halfway” between two Aryan centers - the southern Russian steppes and Mitanni. If we assume that there was some kind of communication between them, then in the Hittite state we should find traces of the presence of the Aryans. And it turns out to be a very simple matter. On the southern coast of the Black Sea, very close to the Hittite capital Hattusas (modern Boğazköy, 150 kilometers southwest of Ankara), there was the region of Paphlagonia, where until the 12th century. BC e. Veneti lived. From here, from the shores of the Red (Red, Russian) Sea, part of the Veneti moved to Palestine, where they began to be called Phoenicians (Canaanites).

At first glance, the situation with the ethnic nature of those who were called Arameans seems more unclear and confusing. The Bible states that the sons of Shem were Elam, Assur, Arphaxad, Lud, Aram, and it seems that classifying the descendants of Aram - the Arameans - as Semites is quite justified. But using the example of the sons of Ham, we have already seen that the three branches of nations descending from the sons of Noah cannot be strictly divided along racial or ethnic lines. This is simply a geographical division, where the Mizraim-Egyptians, indigenous Africans, and the Canaanites, the newcomer Aryans, can fall into one “family”. Exactly the same “mix” is observed with the Sima family.

Let's start in order. Elam (Elam) is an ancient state that occupied part of the current territory of Iran. The ethnic composition of its population is not entirely clear. Apparently, it was heterogeneous and included both part of the Indo-European and Semitic peoples.

Assur is the eponym of Assyria - one of the great peoples of antiquity that has survived to this day. Assyrians still live in different countries - Iraq, Turkey, Iran and others, including Russia. At the end of the 2nd - first half of the 1st millennium BC. e. Assyria was one of the strongest countries in Western Asia. It was located on the territory of modern Iraq and at the time of its greatest power it subjugated all of Northern Mesopotamia. Like Akkad in an earlier era, this state invariably represented the interests of the Semitic peoples in the region.

Some interpreters derive the name “Arphaxad” from Sanskrit, and then it is understood as “close to the Aryans” and refers to the people who lived in the north-west of Mesopotamia, between the Aryan (Amorites) and Semitic tribes.

Lud is Lydia, a country in Asia Minor (remember the Lydian king Croesus, owner of countless treasures). Indo-Europeans certainly lived there.

And finally, Aram - Arameans. Researchers consider it to be the people of the Semitic family. We just can't agree with this. We do not know of any satisfactory explanation of the meaning of this ethnic name from the Semitic languages. On the other hand, any Indo-European will translate the word “Aramaean” as “Aryan husband.” It is quite clear that for professional historians this is not a reason for a change of opinion; in their youth they firmly learned that the Aramaic tribes spoke a language that belongs to the Semitic. And from here it seems to be an unambiguous conclusion that the Arameans were Semites. There is, however, one serious problem with this reasoning that most researchers do not seem to think about. The inscriptions, based on the analysis of which scientists draw their conclusions, date back to the 9th–7th centuries at the latest. BC e., when the Arameans themselves mixed with the indigenous peoples of the Middle East and Mesopotamia. The era of Aryan dominance in this region had already ended by that time, and the Semites who expelled them, of course, had to speak their native dialect. The language of their communication was, of course, Semitic, but it developed under the direct influence and on the basis of the Aryan language. That's why it was called Aramaic!

The most interesting thing about the Arameans is that historians do not know for certain where they came from in Asia, or where they went later. It is traditionally believed that the Aramaic pastoral tribes came to northern Mesopotamia from the more southern Arabian oases in the 14th century. BC e. It is assumed that they ousted or conquered the Amorites living there, and later disappeared among the local population, since there are no mentions of the Arameans before the 11th century. BC e. Such scant information about the people, whose name is associated with the name of the most widespread language in Western Asia of the 1st millennium BC. e., cannot but alarm. It would seem that if this is a tribe of Semitic origin, then in the memory of the peoples of the Middle East and Mesopotamia legends and traditions telling about its past fate should be preserved. But none of this has been discovered yet. All these discrepancies, however, are easily explained if we only consider that the name “Arameans” was used to designate representatives of the Aryan people - Amorites and Canaanites.

By the way, the inhabitants of Byzantium were called Romans. Traditionally, this is explained by the fact that Byzantium was part of the Roman Empire, which means that its citizens were Romans, or, allowing for the possibility of distortion of this name in Greek pronunciation, Romans. However, this version seems unconvincing to us. It seems strange that the indigenous inhabitants of Asia Minor suddenly fell so in love with a name that was alien to them. It’s another matter if the form “Romea” was born from the more ancient name “Aramea”. It should be noted that the name “Armenia” came from it. In other words, the Arameans, under pressure from the Semites, retreated from Northern Mesopotamia to the north and settled in the territory of Asia Minor and the Armenian Highlands. Over time (several centuries!), their name became common to those local peoples who fell into the “field of attraction” of the Arameans-Aryans and thoroughly mixed with them. This is how the names of Romans and Armenians appeared.

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Chapter X In Syria and Palestine Under pressure from the people, the barons had to leave the city. The Comte de Saint-Gilles was the first to leave Antioch at the end of November, passed through the city of Rougia and approached the then large, well-fortified large city of Maarra on November 27

author Dubnov Semyon Markovich

Chapter 8 Patriarchs and schools in Palestine before the conclusion of the Mishnah (138–280) 50. Rabbi Meir The Bar Kochba revolt and the subsequent persecutions of Hadrian brought Judea to complete ruin. The population that survived the sword and captivity became extremely poor, many fled from religious

From the book A Brief History of the Jews author Dubnov Semyon Markovich

Chapter 9 Jews in Palestine before the end of the power of the patriarchs (200–425) 53. Patriarchs and the first amoraim After Yehuda Ganasi, there were no more patriarchs like him in Palestine, who combined strong power with great learning. Yehuda's son and successor, Gamliel III (from 210),

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Chapter 7 Jews in Turkey and Palestine before the decline of Sabbateanism (1492–1750) 36. Civil life. Joseph Nasi The Turkish Empire, which took the place of the former Byzantium, arose 40 years before the expulsion of the Jews from Spain. Jewish chroniclers say that Providence seemed to

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3. The number of Jews deported to the eastern regions and the share of non-Polish Jews among them a) The number of those deported through the Reinhardt Action camps. Before moving on to the question of the fate of the Jews deported to the eastern regions not directly, but through transit camps,

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Chapter 141. On the foundation of a church parish in the city of Poznan In the same year, on behalf of the Poznan chapter, a parish church was founded in the city of Poznan with such a condition, however, that on Sundays [parishioners] could not participate in any processions around

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Chapter 1 The Baltic States before the arrival of the Germans Sie haben abgote vil Und triben b?sheit?ne zil. (They have a lot of idols there, And they do evil there endlessly.) Livonian Rhymed Chronicle, Art. 0339-0340 Archaeologists, not without reason, believe that both Finno-Ugric and Baltic peoples inhabited

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Chapter 13. Did someone carefully cover the bodies of tourists with a blanket before the rescuers arrived? - Let's go back to the cedar. What did you, Mikhail Petrovich, see at the cedar then? - When we were already approaching the cedar on the morning of the 27th, we saw a brown spot under it. Coming closer, we found two here

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Chapter 14 Why it was calm in Palestine The most important period of our service, of course, was the third - during the truce. This is how it should have been, by the very meaning of this plan for the legion. When we conceived it in 1915, we, of course, envisioned not one and a half or three battalions, but

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Chapter 1 The Caliphate on the eve of the Abbasids coming to power The last decades of the reign of the Umayyad dynasty were marked by a severe economic and political crisis. A quantitatively expanded and fairly close-knit circle of Umayyad relatives and their minions,

From the book Slavs and Avars. Second half of the 6th - beginning of the 7th century. author Alekseev Sergey Viktorovich


Quote: passant

Not everything is so simple in this world:

"Rachel Corey and a group of pro-Palestinian activists illegally entered the Gaza Strip in March 2003. This “magnificent five” were repeatedly detained by Israeli soldiers and expelled from the Strip. However, Rachel and her friends returned back with manic persistence. They were eager to help their Arab friends . At that time, the army was preparing an operation to demolish empty buildings along the Philadelphia Highway. Although no one lived in these houses for a long time, Arab snipers periodically hid there, shooting at Israelis. The demolition of the buildings was announced in advance on March 16. The operation area was declared a closed military zone . However, pro-Palestinian activists illegally entered a closed military zone and Rachel Corey threw herself under the tracks of a bulldozer. Stupid, ridiculous, and most importantly - absolutely unnecessary death. The investigation clearly showed that the bulldozer driver from his point physically could not see the one who rushed at the last moment under the tracks. These conclusions have been confirmed by court decisions, both in Israel and abroad, during the repeated filing of lawsuits by Rachel's parents."

Indeed, not everything is so simple in this world:-

Jewish fascism. Destruction of Jenin.

In the process of collecting data for publication " A black raven circles over the Arabian arc and the Koran» We drew attention to numerous materials related to the massacre of Palestinians in Jenin (March 29 - April 13, 2002). In many articles, it was clearly felt that the Israeli and Western press were clearly downplaying the scale of those events and even tried to blame the Palestinians themselves for everything, or claimed that nothing happened at all. At the same time, some doctors and independent journalists tried to establish the truth and conducted their own investigations. On the tenth anniversary of the destruction of Jenin, we considered it important to refer to the facts and photographs collected by them. We warn you in advance: This material should absolutely not be read or viewed by those with weak nerves.
Jewish fascism. Destruction of Jenin. Part 1
Jewish fascism. Destruction of Jenin. Part 2
Jewish fascism. Destruction of Jenin. Part 3

Death of Corrie
Version of activists of the International Solidarity Movement

ISM activists who witnessed the events say that the bulldozer operator deliberately ran over Corrie when she blocked the bulldozer's path to the house earmarked for destruction.

According to them, the Israeli soldiers engaged in demolition of houses that day initially behaved aggressively. Bulldozers drove close to activists who stood in their way, physically pushing them away, but at the last moment they always stopped and drove away. Once the bulldozer almost ran over one of the activists, knocking him to the ground and partially covering him with sand, but backed out at the very last moment. Occasionally, soldiers shouted curses at the activists and commanded them to leave the area. Warning fire from a machine gun was opened on the ground in front of the activists; the bullets hit the ground a few meters away from them.

Activists testify that Corrie stood between the bulldozer and the wall of the house and that she was wearing a fluorescent vest. All this happened in an open area and the bulldozer operators clearly saw it from a distance at a distance of 10-15 meters. Corrie used her hands to signal the bulldozer operator to stop.

Corrie stood in front of the bulldozer until the last moment. Approaching it, the bulldozer lowered its shield and began to rake up the earth. When the bulldozer arrived, Corrie climbed over a pile of dirt, as activists often did during protests. At this moment, according to witnesses, she was visible from the cabin. As a rule, in such a situation, bulldozers were reversed.

However, this time the operator did not stop. The bulldozer overturned the girl and ran over her, as a result of which she was completely under the car. Having made an impact, the bulldozer, despite the screams of those present, continued to move for about 5 meters, after which (a few seconds later), without raising the shield, it moved back along a straight path.

Corrie received multiple injuries and died on the way to the hospital. .

Israeli government version

The Israeli army and government deny the ISM version and explain Rachel Corrie's death as a tragic accident. According to the official Israeli version, Corrie was killed by debris pushed by the bulldozer, while the driver did not see her due to the limited angle of view from the bulldozer cab behind a pile of rubbish, when the bulldozer was clearing suspected booby-trapped bushes and debris and did not intend to demolish the house at that moment , when Corrie tried to block his advance towards the house. The bulldozers operated without external cover due to the high probability of shelling, while the drivers were reliably protected by armor.

According to the results of the investigation conducted by the IDF prosecutor's office, the driver could neither see nor hear Corrie from the bulldozer cab. The IDF spokesman stated that the ISM was directly responsible for the tragedy, and that it was the actions of the ISM members that led to it.

The IDF released a video including footage taken from inside the bulldozer cabin. American journalist Joshua Hammer (English)Russian. considers credible the situation in which the driver (physically) could not see Corrie through the narrow bulletproof glass and structural elements of the bulldozer.

The bulldozer driver and other soldiers in the conflict zone were subjected to lie detector tests by the Israeli military police, their testimony was found to be truthful, and the case against them was closed.

Later, a version appeared in the media that in the house, which was slated for demolition, there was a tunnel for smuggling weapons from Egypt, but according to military sources, such operational information had not been received as of March 16.